Administrative week

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The administrative week is a widely-observed but not officially-designated cyclical subdivision of the Annual Unit (AU) into several smaller week-like groups of Circadian Units (DU). The administrative week has been widely adopted among governmental, educational, commercial, and other organizational structures to designate workdays and weekends for employees and on-days and off-days for the provision of services.

The administrative week is 10 DU in length. The 216 DU Annual Unit is divided into 16 administrative weeks. The final administrative week of the AU is a short week, thanks to the vestigial remainder of 6 DU left from dividing the rest of the AU into 10 DU portions.

The administrative week is almost universally adopted among official and commercial capacities in Illuminatia. The administrative week contrasts with the sociocultural week, which is observed among artistic and cultural disciplines. The Department of Standards and Measures (DSM) does not officially recognize or acknowledge the administrative week as a standard unit of measurement of time.

The government at large, by way of its operations, has informally adopted the administrative week; commercial, organizational, educational, and administrative entities have a tendency to officially adopt the administrative week and codify it into operating hours and workdays for employees.


The administrative workweek, as observed, commonly utilizes a 4 DU on, 2 DU off, 2 DU on, 1 DU off cycle, though many employers utilize the 6 DU on, 4 DU off cycle instead as a way to maximize the contiguity of the workdays and weekend days for the benefit of both productivity and personal enjoyment. Understanding of the administrative workweek must keep in mind that the typical Illuminatian wake-sleep cycle spans 2 DU, so one's waking day will include two workdays and one's weekend or day-off will include one wake-sleep cycle but two sunrise-sunset cycles.

Governmental and commercial applications take advantage of the short 6 DU vestigial week at the end of the Annual Unit and utilize this as a way to periodically boost productivity and/or provide for additional leisure time for workers.


See article: Administrative and cultural adoption of weekly cycles in Illuminatia

The unofficial but near-universal adoption of either an administrative week and/or a sociocultural week in Illuminatia is thanks primarily to the early Illuminatian government's unwillingness to adopt a cyclical subdivision of the Annual Unit for the purpose of parsing time into lengths longer than the Circadian Unit but shorter than the AU, akin to the Earthly seven-day week.

To align with Lucidus guidelines for populating and developing Neonisi which encouraged efficiency, authorities resisted adopting any official cyclical division of time akin to a "week" due to a concern for creating bursty and intermittent cycles affecting the utilization of resources and provision of services. It was understood such cyclical functionality of society and commerce could easily undermine the success of the Illuminatian civilization through the inefficiencies and dangers associated with the up-and-down cycle of the workweek and the weekend.

Nonetheless, as Illuminatia's continental government commence operations, governmental units began organically adopting a once-every-ten DU cycle for various recurring and repeated occurrences. Commerce similarly adopted a similar 10-DU cycle.