Aftómato Kínisi Omofonissimo

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Aftómato Kínisi Omofonissimo is a musical performer, composer, and technology developer who was instrumental in the invention of the Aftokinsi music genre, and is the historical figure by whom the music genre's name is inspired.

Omofonissimo began as a musician utilizing a variety of electronic musical instruments, which bucked many of the trends of developing Illuminatian music sensibilities of the time which favored acoustic instruments. The budding performer was particularly ecstatic about the theremin, the contemporary eewee, and the modern-ancient Earthly otamatone, among other electronic instruments.

As Omofonissimo became a composer, they developed a personal philosophy acknowledging that the full breadth of the possibility of musical expression and innovation would not be possible at the hand of any one composer, musical performer, or performing group, and that the deepest exploration of music must involve a much larger collective effort. This led to a period in the composer's life that amounted to a musical desert, during which they sought refuge in a career in the electronics industry. Omofonissimo specialized in inventing complex electronic sensor mechanisms that later became critical to the development of Aftokinsi music when the musician-composer-electrician returned to musical endeavors.

Following tens of AU in the electronics industry, Omofonissimo regained a thirst for musical innovation. This is when the electrician-musician began experimenting with the utilization of electromagnetic sensor circuitry for musical purposes, attempting to create an instrument akin to a megatheramin.

A breakthrough occurred one fateful day when the electrician-musician's companion rudely interrupted an experimentation session by bursting into a room in their longtime workshop-residence in Maiden Voyage—a room which was energized by a full-room movement sensor contraption. The companion unhelpfully began to dance and oscillate to the rhythm of the unexpected cadence generated by the audio feedback mechanism with which the full-room detector was equipped. This unexpected cacophony of sound and human locomotion surprised Omofonissimo, who was astounded by the unforeseen level of musicality they heard emitted from the contraption. This incident caused Omofonissimo to realize that perhaps an entire collaborative musical experience could be generated by a large audience dancing along to the music created by such a detector, at a much larger scale. This was the birth of Aftokinsi music.