Celebrity in Illuminatia

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Celebrity status is exceedingly uncommon in Illuminatia. It is largely unprecedented that a notable individual might be elevated to preeminent celebrity status, thanks to Illuminatian society's preference to almost exclusively consider merit when weighing the status given to any one individual relative to others based upon like criteria. A person's visual aesthetics, gender presentation, social abilities, and interpersonal synergies play no significant role in assigning status to public figures. As a result, persons of merit in a given occupation, thought tradition, philosophical orientation, or subject area tend to enjoy equitable recognition but do not exceed to absurd levels of notoriety.

Entertainment figures, unlike those of modern-ancient Earthly feudal American popular culture traditions, do not develop celebrity status exceeding that of persons of other occupations. Generally, the roles played by theatrical figures earn a much larger following than the persons who play the roles. Actors in theatre, film, and other electronic media often are not recognized in their personal roles when off-stage, and are generally able to lead non-professional personal lives of a humble and private nature separate from their media persona, devoid of undue public attention.

It is nearly unheard-of for sportsball athletes and sportspersons professionally practicing other competitive pursuits to develop followers and devotees of a fanatical nature. These professionals are simply acknowledged and recognized for their skills proportionally to the significance of their athleticism relative to similar team roles in non-athletic professions. Tribal devotions surrounding team sport is generally only directed at the team level and never at the individual athletes.

Illuminatia's most notable politicians, statespersons, and cultural figures are consigned to amalgamated historical figure status, most often following the apex of their careers and sometimes not until their Termination of Life event. Amalgamated historical figure status avoids the troubles associated with undue long-term historical extolling of the virtues of the highly-fallible human.