Education in Illuminatia

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Education as a cultural institution in Illuminatia is considered to be of critical importance to the continuation of the Illuminatian branch of humanity and is held in high regard socially, primarily as a function of the enriching qualities the general public recognizes that education provides.

Educational institutions in Illuminatia are well-funded and are supported as a central pillar of their communities. The Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) is the governmental agency responsible for overseeing education in Illuminatia. A primary education is required for developmental learners and is fully funded by the government. Further levels of education are subject to diverging levels of obligation but are generally supported by public resources.

Publicly-provided and funded education is ubiquitous in Illuminatia. Privately-funded education is allowable but is not especially popular. Private education is held in lower regards socially but is subject to the same standards as public education.

Education levels

The primary level of education is intended for developing learners who have not yet become adults. Primary education is provided locally by local schools and academies. Primary education is compulsory for youths through their age of majority, at which point they may choose to proceed to secondary education. This education is comparable to the elementary, grammar, middle, and high school education of most modern western Earthly education systems.

All education an individual might need to engage in society as a fully-functional adult is provided at the primary level. Public primary education graduates are guaranteed placement in a suitable occupation, a track of further secondary education, or a research posting.

Secondary education takes place at colleges and universities and is made available to any individual above the age of majority. There is no maximum age for seekers of secondary education. A secondary education diploma equates to a level somewhere between an associate's and a bachelor's degree in the western education system of Earth. Secondary education is government funded but is not compulsory.

Tertiary education refers to the education received at a university or other high-level scholarly institute following the initial secondary degree level. The advanced degree obtained through a tertiary education might compare to a master's or a doctoral degree in Earth's western system. Tertiary education can also include post-doctoral credentials, depending on the educational institution and the field of study. Other than the advanced nature of the degrees attained, tertiary education otherwise is similar to secondary education in its accessibility and funding.

Quaternary education refers to the continuing education required of mature learners. The Bureau of Education and Enlightenment requires all adults who have not received a formal education more recently than 30 AU to partake in a quaternary education course in order to update their knowledge and understanding of the world to current standards. Enlightenment obtained voluntarily or recreationally through institutions such as museums or institutes can be applied toward a portion of the recurring quaternary educational requirement.

Funding for a basic quaternary education session is provided by the BEE, however individuals often apply for additional subsidies from their employers and their local tertiary assemblies to augment their educational and enlightenment experience, increase comfort, or supplement the experience with elective courses and extracurricular encounters.

Public vs. private educational institutions

See article: Private education in Illuminatia

While the vast majority of education in Illuminatia is provided by public institutions of education, the pursuit of private education at a private school or college is possible and is allowed. Private education, while it might enjoy limited to no public funding, remains under full oversight of the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP) and operates with curricula and educational standards approved by and scrutinized by the OCP.

Students pursuing a private education are entitled to fewer benefits and protections than their publicly-educated counterparts, both throughout their educational experience as well as upon graduation. For instance, graduates from private colleges and universities generally may not participate in the Occupational and Instructional Productivity and Placement System, the network of guaranteed career placement coordinated by the BEE's Office of Assessment and Placement (OAP).

Private schools, colleges, universities, and institutes derive their funding from private sources such as commercial sponsorship and donations. Students at these institutions might also pay for their education using personal funds, donations, and commercial sponsorships and endorsements. Private education is generally viewed as having an inferior status compared to public education.