Fauna of Illuminatia

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The fauna of Illuminatia represents a subject of intense speculation and continuous revelation for wildlife researchers and naturalists, by cause of the complicated interaction between flora and fauna of Earthly and non-earthly origin that took place on Neonisi prior to human arrival in Illuminatia, obfuscating any clear answers as to the true nature of nature in Illuminatia.

Current hypotheses hold that the fauna found inhabiting Illuminatia upon human arrival are likely a mix of creatures evolved from life forms of Earthly origin carried aboard the Lucidus mission, life forms engineered aboard the Lucidus mission using elements of Earthly organisms, as well as organisms indigenous to the Neonisi—a conclusion itself has evolved over the course of the development of Illuminatian civilization. In all likelihood, organisms of Neonisi and Earthly origin interbred and shaped a convoluted ecosystem for Illuminatian biologists to explore and understand.


Upon arrival in Illuminatia, settlers discovered within the vicinity of their landing sites animal life of a vaguely alien origin intermingling with beings of a slightly more-familiar character. While some creatures appeared related to or derived from animals that had been carried aboard the Lucidus spacecraft, others appeared to have no relationship to any animalistic lifeform previously known to humanity. With further genetic inquiry, it was soon understood that these so-called alien animals were actually complex locomotive meat plant creatures that evolved primarily from flora of an Earthly origin that had been transported aboard the Lucidus mission. This plant life, well prior human arrival, had seeded the planet in regions surrounding the Lucidus landing locations, and in the intervening period had evolved into flora exhibiting the ability to locomote and to varying degrees move about under the organism's own power.

Hypotheses suggest fauna and flora carried aboard the Lucidus mission were evacuated to the surface of the Neonisi planet concurrent with the Lucidus termination event but somehow arrived potentially generations in advance of the humans. This is presumably thanks to a somewhat secretive mission-guided plan to establish diverse populations of plant and animal life upon a target habitable planet prior to human arrival for the benefit of humanity and biodiversity.

As Illuminatian settlers engaged in exploration of the continent, they finally discovered simplistic animal life that was confirmed not to be of Earthly origin. These simple creatures found to be indigenous to Neonisi triggered further study of the ecology in these newly-discovered far-flung regions yet to be molested by humans. Before further settlement, Illuminatian zoologists and naturalists engaged in study of these newfound creatures to ensure that they were not sentient and did not qualify as intelligent life, and also to ensure human habitation and settlement would not negatively affect their ecosystem.

Contrary to earlier Earthly human civilization, human settlers in Illuminatia were extremely careful to thoroughly document the interactions of existing animal life on the planet before establishing permanent settlement, initiating agricultural activities, making changes to the landscape, deploying infrastructure, or engaging in other activities not native to the planet that could in any way conceivably impact potential native animal life to prevent adverse impacts upon the ecosystem.

Nutritional uses

To the relief of all appreciators of gastronomic creation, scientists confirmed that locomotive meat plants do not possess sentience, are unable to form a conscience or sense of self-awareness, and cannot feel pain. This allows Illuminatians—who culturally practice strict veganism—to consume meat from meat plants of both the locomotive and vegetative variety without offending any personal sensibilities or closely held ethical views. Meat plants and locomotive meat plants in particular provide a convenient source of animal-adjacent proteins necessary for human nutrition.

Nonetheless, locomotive meat plans are categorized as fauna due to the non-vegetative manner of the organisms' movements while they are not categorized as animals for the purpose of human nutrition. Meat plants that remain stationary and do not upon their own volition move from the location where their root systems permeate the ground are categorized as flora and also remain an important vegan-friendly food source.

Locomotive meat plants popular for human consumption in Illuminatia include the chickenplant, several varieties of the beefplant such as the brisketplant, the fishplant, the muttonplant, the crustaceanplant, and others.

Working uses

A number of locomotive meat plant varieties were developed during the Lucidus mission with the anticipation that they would be needed to perform tasks that would be helpful to early Illuminatian civilization. The pigeonplant, as an example, was specially designed with a lightweight frame able to fly and use homing instincts to return to its home location laden with a message or small parcel. The use of working meat plants to do work for humans is considered perfectly ethical by the same logic that the consumption of meat plant flesh is considered vegetarian-friendly. Working meat plants—like all meat plants—were designed to ensure the organisms would not be bestowed with any sentience or ability to think of feel pain.

The lipozancudo is an example of an insect species that has been domesticated in order to be employed for a boutique task. The Lipozancudo is utilized in lipomeiosi therapy to remove excess fat tissue from people seeking to diminish their relationship with gravity.