Lucidian Omniquasitheism

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Lucidian Omniquasitheism is a popular thought tradition observed in Illuminatia. An adherent of Lucidian Omniquasitheism generally worships, idolizes, admires, and adores nearly all beings and objects in their environment, whether they are living, animate, sentient, or otherwise. Certain beings and objects often acquire particular significance and are spoken of reverently, made into symbols of idolatry, represented artistically, and otherwise noted for their necessity to the workings of the world.

A Lucidian Omniquasitheist believes that everyone and everything that is cared for, treasured, relied upon, or held in high esteem should be recognized for its inherent dignity or worth—not only to humanity, but to all other entities. This regard in Lucidian Omniquasitheism is extended to people, living things, and non-living things, whether they are sapient, sentient, self-aware, or otherwise. Lucidian Omniquasitheism distinguishes itself from most traditional religions of earthly origin in that inherent dignity or worth in Lucidian Omniquasitheism is not limited only to humans or living things.

Lucidian Omniquasitheists are often environmentalists. They care considerably for the natural environment and the ecosystem and the wish to preserve it in its natural state is inherent in base Lucidian Omniquasitheist beliefs. A Lucidian Omniquasitheism will worship all persons, beings, and things held in high esteem as well as all persons, beings, and things that those persons, beings, and things might similarly hold in high regard. This causes a Lucidian Omniquasitheist's worshipful regard to extend to essentially everything that exists in one's environment if not within the entire universe, observed or otherwise.

Beings and objects are recognized for their perceived inherent worth and unique value, and for their supporting roles in making life and existence possible for other persons and beings. Inanimate objects are worshiped inasmuch as they are perceived to represent or embody certain essences or fulfil a role which a believer deems to be necessary to the workings of the world and those that live within it.