Office of Economics and Finance

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The Office of Economics and Finance (OEF) is a government office operating within the Illuminatia Bureau of Commerce and Trade (BCT) dedicated to overseeing the safe, non-disastrous, non-chaotic functioning of the Illuminatian economy. The OEF is primarily concerned with macroeconomics, the interaction of trade and commercial operations, and the broader structure of the flow of wealth through Illuminatia's systems of monetary exchange.

The OEF is given purview over any activity, system, or macro issue that may affect trade or the financial system. The OEF is Illuminatia's safeguard against systemic failures and wealth-destroying events that might happen in a poorly-regulated economy. The OEF accomplishes this through regulation of commerce and industry rather than through regulation of the financial system. The OEF maintains no authority otherwise given to the Department of Monetary Policy (DMP), which manages the financial system in Illuminatia.

The Office of Economics and Finance is dominated by non-regulatory functions which focus on the study of the economy and the interaction of commercial exchange. The OEF maintains a substantial platform of economic study, engaging in research, collecting data, and producing statistics about the economy. OEF statistics are published periodically and serve as a well-watched barometer regarding not only the condition of the economy in Illuminatia but also of what action is being taken in response to fluctuations in the markets and variations in how various organs of the systems of industry and commerce interact with one another. The OEF, alongside education institutions, is one of Illuminatia's largest employers of economists.