Office of Resource Extraction

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The Illuminatia Office of Resource Extraction (ORE) is a government office operating within the Illuminatia Bureau of Natural Resources (BNR). The ORE oversees the sustainable and environmentally-responsible mining, drilling, digging, quarrying, burrowing, and prospecting of natural resources from the Neonisi planet.

Any activity that seeks to remove minerals or other raw materials, deposits, natural flora growth, or water from the environment must first seek approval of the extraction and must consent to monitoring of said extraction by the ORE.

All of the natural resources in Illuminatia are considered to be public property, belonging to the entire citizenry of Illuminatia at large and managed in trust by the Illuminatian government and its delegate agencies by virtue of the government being democratically elected by the public. As such, consent of the elected government is necessary before any entity removes or takes possession of any of these resources. Furthermore, the ORE administers the assessment of a fee representing the inherent value of the material being removed as payment to the public for use of those materials by the entity removing the resources from the environment. The ORE ensures the public is fairly compensated by corporations and other entities that seek to remove minerals or other materials from the natural environment for commercial gain or any other purpose.

For example, the ORE oversees and regulates the extraction of unobtanium ore and semiobtanium ore from the ground to guard against environmental degradation and resource depletion in the areas where the two materials are mined and quarried.

Furthermore, the Office of Resource Reclamation (ORR) administers recycling efforts meant to reclaim as much of the raw material extracted from the Neonisi planet's natural environment and maintain maximum reuse of that material. The ORR compensates people and entities returning raw materials based on the value of the material originally surrendered to the government when it was extracted, minus a modest rental fee. Unobtanium ore and semiobtanium ore are two of the minerals which are frequently recycled under the oversight of the ORR when electronic devices and other machinery are sold, recycled, or disposed of. The ORR also oversees the return of unused or unusable reclaimed material to the ecosystem when it is necessary, practical, and safe to do so.

The Office of Resource Extraction is credited with curtailing the extent of mining and other extraction activities and thereby minimizing the impact such activities might have on the environment and on public health.