Population regulation in Illuminatia
Government-instituted population regulation in Illuminatia is accomplished entirely through the use of incentive-based systems intended to encourage persons of reproductive potential to engage in reproductive and copulatory behavior that provides as much benefit to Illuminatian society as possible while balancing these benefits with individual concerns such as attraction, affinity, and pleasure.
The government agency responsible for population regulation in Illuminatia is the Bureau of Reproduction and Copulation (BRC).
The tradition of quasi-voluntary population regulation instituted using a means that preserves autonomy in family planning decisions dates to the days of the Lucidus mission, during which tight controls were necessary, per the mission's protocols, in order to maintain an optimal population aboard a long-term multi-generational inter-galactic voyage within the confined space and finite resources of a space ship. Concerns for control of the total population were compounded by concerns over maintaining optimal demographics and cultural, ethnic, and genetic diversity to encourage the maximum probability of the long-term quality survival of the Lucidus branch of the human race.
Regulations were generally loosened once descendants of the Lucidus mission settled upon the surface of Illuminatia. In accordance with the mission's prescribed plan for organizing a terrestrial society, incentive-based population regulation continued in the form of government programming which heavily-incentivized procreation-related behavior, as the Illuminatian settlements found the need to dramatically increase the human birth rate. As the population of Illuminatia ballooned to sustainable levels, incentivization of non-reproductive copulatory behavior became common in the continent's largest population centers. Masturbatoriums emerged as popular venues for citizens to seek inducements for voluntarily engaging in non-reproductive recreational copulatory activities and the BRC's Office of Recreational Copulation was established to manage the application of reverse pressures on population growth.
Population regulation through the BRC now exists in its highest visibility as match-making and reproductive assistance service, utilizing elaborate databases, adoption networks, human gamete banks, fertility clinics, ultra-short-term hospitality facilities, brothels, and adult entertainment production and publishing enterprises. The BRC continues to manage the qualitative and quantitative properties of Illuminatia's population using incentives and government subsidies providing for varying proportions of the cost of living for certain family units, depending upon the household's utility toward meeting the goals of the BRC.