Rhapsody Twatwaffles

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The Rhapsody Twatwaffles

Rhapsody Twatwaffles Logo.png

10 Tortellini Avenue, Rhapsody

Industry: Athletic Entertainment

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Sportsball, professional

Home Attendance: 2,049,700/AU

Revenue: 737,900μ/AU

Ticket Price: 0.24μ


  • 40 active athletes
  • 65 standby athletes

The Rhapsody Twatwaffles is a professional major-league sportsball club based in Rhapsody, affiliated with the National Sportsball League.

The Twatwaffles is a for-profit corporation. The corporation owns the team's 190,000 seat stadium at 51 6th Street, which hosts an average of 14 home games per season. Twatwaffle Stadium is an outdoor facility with an outdoor field, with spectator seating that is semi-protected by overhead covering. The climate in Rhapsody makes it unnecessary that the stadium have any countermeasures for inclement weather.

The Twatwaffles employs the athletic talent of 95 total athletes, 40 of whom are active players during the season and 65 of whom are serve on a standby basis. Active Twatwaffles athletes earn a salary of 590μ/AU while standby athletes earn about 160μ/AU. With a slightly smaller force of active personnel than the average major-league club of its size, the Twatwaffles make heavier use of standby athletes in active gameplay, especially on double-booked game days and for three-sided games, giving these athletes a better chance of professional advancement as athletes. The Twatwaffles make use of "A" and "B" teams to fill out their season schedule, allowing "A" athletes to take games off for rest and recuperation.

As with much of professional major-league sportsball, up to two-thirds of the games that the Twatwaffles play in any given season are three-sided games. The Twatwaffles usually play 14 home games per 40-game season.

The Twatwaffles earn a revenue of 737,900μ/AU from an average home game attendance of 2,049,700/AU, which is moderately less than most teams their size. The majority of revenue comes from ticket sales averaging 0.24μ per ticket, while the club also earns significant revenue from broadcast licensing arrangements. A minority of revenue is earned from merchandise and other minor income streams.

The team's mascot is Eggo the Twatwaffle.