Université La Marseillaise
Université La Marseillaise
60 La Marseillaise Avenue, Anthem
Industry: Education
Entity type: Non-profit, public
Product: Secondary, tertiary education
Specialties: Engineering, information and data sciences, aeronautic engineering, telecommunications theory.
Enrollment: 108,591
Revenue (CRRS): J
Colors: Turtle Green, Ebony Clay
Université La Marseillaise (ULM) is a public institution of tertiary education located in Anthem. ULM is known for its secondary degrees in the natural sciences, engineering, and the liberal arts as well as its advanced tertiary programs in the information and data sciences, aeronautic engineering, and telecommunications theory.
Total enrollment at Université La Marseillaise has reached 108,591 students, drawing 84% of its student body from within the Anthem metropolitan region and the greater Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex.
ULM is one of the primary choices for secondary education for students in the Anthem area, providing education catered to a region heavy in occupations relating to the sciences, engineering, and manufacturing. Members of the student body, drawn heavily from the northern shore of Randall Bay, have a higher-than-average tendency to remain in the Anthem metropolitan region and surrounding municipalities thanks to the university's high placement rate in the strong manufacturing, engineering, and scientific sectors, which are a strength of the regional economy. While students here, just as at all publicly-funded institutions of higher education, already enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate into employment in general upon graduation thanks to a government-assisted matching system administered by the Office of Assessment and Placement, the placement rate in the scientific and engineering disciplines among graduates is also very high.
ULM receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming. As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of the university's operational resources. This funding is proportional to the number of students the university admits. Université La Marseillaise has revenues totaling 11,945,034μ/AU.
ULM has been voted "Most Beautiful Logo" of all educational institutions in Illuminatia for ten consecutive AU by the awards committee of the Illuminatia Association of Education.
The Université La Marseillaise was named in honor of the street on which it resides. Unique among student life at institutions of higher education in Illuminatia, students at ULM enjoy the annual "sang impur" ritual, which dates back to shortly after the university's founding.