University of Amadeus

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University of Amadeus

University of Amadeus Logo.png

32 North Theophilus Avenue, Mozart

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Secondary, tertiary education

Specialties: Medical arts and sciences, performing arts, communication

Enrollment: 49,600

Revenue (CRRS): H

Colors: Saddle Brown, Lime Green

The University of Amadeus (UOA) is a public institution of tertiary education located in Mozart. UOA offers degrees concentrating in the human sciences, the arts, and the communication disciplines.

Total enrollment at the University of Amadeus exceeds 49,600 students, with strong prevalence of those students originating from the Mozart area and the wider Wolfgang Amadeus Megalopolitan Complex. Students from the greater region tend to pursue UOA to pursue education within the school's better-known specialized fields, including pharmacology, the musical and aural arts, and in interpersonal communications.

UOA receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming. As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of UOA's operational resources. This funding is proportional to the number of students the university admits. Revenue for the University of Amadeus totals about 5,459,500μ/AU.

As with all public education institutions, the University of Amadeus enjoys a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks to a government-assisted matching system administered by the BEE's Office of Assessment and Placement. UOA students in the pharmacology, musical and aural arts, and communications fields tend to find prominent positions in these industries at a rate fare exceeding the average public institution of higher education