University of Overture

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University of Overture

University of Overture Logo.png

15 Earl Grey Avenue, Overture

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Secondary, tertiary education

Specialties: Liberal arts, natural sciences

Enrollment: 82,254

Revenue (CRRS): J

Colors: Heath, White

The University of Overture (UO) is a public institution of tertiary education located in Overture. UO offers degrees primarily in the liberal arts and natural sciences.

Total enrollment at the University of Overture is at 82,254 students, drawing 78% of its student body from Overture and the greater Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex. The student body is drawn most heavily from the southern shore of Randall Bay.

The University of Overture remains the most popular choice among the general student population in the Overture area, mostly because the university provides no particularly strong area of advanced concentration.

Students at UO, just as at all publicly-funded institutions of higher education, enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate into employment upon graduation thanks to a government-assisted matching system administered by the Office of Assessment and Placement. Placements given to students graduating UO tend to be somewhat more geographically disbursed compared to other institutions of higher education that have no strong specialty of emphasis.

UO receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming. As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of the university's operational resources. This funding is proportional to the number of students the university admits. The University of Overture has revenues totaling 9,047,919 μ/AU.

Early in the university's history, the University of Overture's student advisory bodies agreed to write an opera merely for the reason that they would have a rationale to compose an overture as the school's alma mater.