Vostonian University
Vostonian University
50 West Vostonian Boulevard, Voston
Industry: Education
Entity type: Non-profit, public
Product: Secondary, tertiary education
Specialties: Political science, civil engineering, civic and municipal logistics, mass communication
Enrollment: 45,600
Revenue (CRRS): H
Colors: Rosewood, Dolly Yellow
Vostonian University (VU) is a public institution of tertiary education located in Voston. VU capitalizes on its location in Illuminatia's capital city by offering highly sought-after degrees relating to political science, governmental administration, and public works. Vostonian University maintains a high profile for its reputation in developing outstanding scholars in statespersonship and stewards of public service.
Vostonian University attracts students from all over the Illuminatian continent, however its rather selective admissions process keeps enrollment at a modest 45,600 students. The student population is represented somewhat disproportionately by enrollees from the two most proximate conurbations—the Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex and the Brookeview Ludwig Megalopolitan Complex. These regional students tend to pursue VU for the school's better-known specialized fields relating to civil engineering, civic and municipal logistics, and governmental administration. Students nationwide look particularly to VU's tertiary educational credentials in political science, statecraft, philosophical theory, and mass communication.
VU receives funding and oversight from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment. As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of VU's operational resources. This funding is proportional to the number of students the university admits. Revenue for the Vostonian University totals about 5,015,000μ/AU.
As with all public education institutions, the Vostonian University enjoys a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks to a government-assisted matching system. VU students in the statespersonship and civic logistics are highly marketable in national government positions as well as by regional tertiary assemblies.