Academic Omniversity of Liszt

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Academic Omniversity of Liszt

Academic Omniversity of Liszt Logo.png

51 Doborján Avenue, Liszt

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Quaternary education

Specialties: Telecommunications theory, electronic communications, cinematographic arts

Enrollment: 11,200

Revenue (CRRS): F

Colors: Sycamore, Coral Reef

The Academic Omniversity of Liszt (AOL) is a public institution of quaternary education located in Liszt. AOL is a widely-admired omniversity among prospective students throughout northern Illuminatia's Anglo-Russo-Hungarian Megalopolitan Complex.

The Academic Omniversity of Liszt attracts adult learners locally as well as regionally, particularly from nearby major metropolitan cities such as Serenade and Lark Ascending. Students are attracted by the omniversity's specialty in-depth courses addressing telecommunications theory, the related area of electronic communications, and the somewhat diverting field of cinematographic arts. AOL is one of very few educational institutions offering coursework in analogue electronic signal sciences.

Academic Omniversity of Liszt serves an average of 11,200 students annually and yields a revenue of roughly 1,240,000μ/AU. AOL is similar to other omniversities in its receipt of financial support from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and curriculum oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP).