Birdland, Illuminatia
- 892,785 (250 AI Census)
- 2,000,000 (300 AI estimate)
- 15 (250 AI Census)
- 14 (estimated)
Demonym: Birdlandian
Primary trading partners: Adamopolis, Voston, Harmony, Greensleeves, Anthem
Birdland is a major city situated inland on the Vostonian River in east central Illuminatia. It is the northernmost major population center and the fourth-largest city of the Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex. Birdland is Illuminatia's 15th-largest city.
Birdland is known for being the leading performing arts and entertainment destination throughout the Randall Bay region, with a music and theatre scene rivaling that of downriver Adamopolis. The city has been home to some of Illuminatia's most progressive sand animation artists. Birdland is also the greater southeastern region's original destination for healing, retreat, and vacationing, thanks to its location perceived to be somewhat removed from the greater Adamopolis metropolitan area. Birdland is also a favorite hideaway for the government workers of Voston.
Birdland is a moderately dense urban city situated upriver of Adamopolis and downriver of Voston on the Vostonian River. The most populous city upon the Vostonian north of Adamopolis, Birdland is Illuminatia's most populous inland city. It is also the largest Illuminatian city that is not a primary settlement city. The Birdland metropolitan area is the largest significant trading market and is the only media market between Adamopolis and Voston.
The University of Arbitrary Knowledge is the largest institution of tertiary education in Birdland. The city's primary mainstream newspaper is the Birdland Journal. Also based in Birdland is the Birdland Fundinghouse, a popular financial institution among small to mid-scale commercial entities throughout the northern reaches of the Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex.
As of the 250 AI Census, Birdland had a population of 892,785 residents. The city has experienced impressive growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population over 2,000,000 by the 300 AI Census, or an increase of approximately 270% over 50 AU.
Birdland was one of the first locations settled by pioneers primarily from the first multiversal duplication of the Lucidus I ship—a population originating mostly from Adamopolis. These land-bound voyagers made it their mission to settle a city on their mission northward and Birdland was the first fruit of this expedition.
It is generally agreed that Birdland was named in honor of the historical Earthly music performance venue, although there are rumblings that it was also named with a musical composition in mind. Different districts of the city give homage to either Earthly institution.