Classism in Illuminatia

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The social construct of classism is essentially nonexistent in Illuminatia thanks to the relatively equitable distribution of wealth in Illuminatia's economy and the reasonably small spread that exists between high and low income earners.

While passive income is common in Illuminatia, an exclusive upper class characterized by hoarded wealth is not possible because of Illuminatia's prohibition in inheritance in conjunction with the negative interest rate. As a result, the extreme accumulation of stagnant wealth passed between generations by a wealthy few is nearly impossible.

The lack of cultural vehicle for classism also enables Illuminatia to be devoid of other detrimental socioeconomic and power-based structures that would otherwise be enabled by a powerful, affluent ruling class, such as primogeniture, nobility, the peerage, monarchy, and other patently unfair, socially destructive arrangements.

As a result of a lack of stratification, the concept of a class of people exists to the average Illuminatian only in the context of unusual historical earthly practices.