Historical figures in Illuminatia
Historical figures on a personal or individual scale are not recognized or celebrated in Illuminatia due to the perceived fragility of the fallible human individual and the potential problems associated with idolizing an individual person who may also represent qualities that society at a given time may not wish to celebrate. Illuminatian society instead celebrates collective, conglomerate, or amalgamated historical figures who take on names that represent a collection of people associated with a governmental or organizational administration, era of leadership, cooperative association of individuals, or other group of people.
Illuminatian society accepts that an individual may represent positive and laudable qualities and achievements that should be celebrated as a collective achievement of humanity. But this branch of humanity also understands that high profile individuals may also represent negative qualities which society may at present or at a future juncture may wish to reject. Seeing as that the values that society may laud, reject, or express ambivalence toward may change over time, Illuminatian culture, as an alternative, actively decided to avoid recognizing individuals in a historical context out of a concern that an individual's presently unknown personality features, writings, communique, deeds, or other actions may become known in the future, or that one's known actions, speech, deeds, or traits may be viewed in a different light in the future as society's perspective may change based on changing collective values.
While individuals might become high profile among contemporaries in their present day, Illuminatian society chooses to recognize collective or amalgamated personal figures when attribution is credited on a historical scale.