Karmic Unit

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Karmic Unit Illustration.png

The Karmic Unit (KU) is the official Illuminatian unit for the measurement of karma, as defined in collaboration between the Department of Standards and Measures (DSM) and the Department of Karma Adjustment (DKA).

Karma Units observe the standard metric decimal system, although decimals of the KU smaller than the dKU (0.1 KU) are rarely used because they are perceived as insignificant sums of karma; and large multiples of the KU are also not commonly used, as individuals never are allowed to accumulate large balances of karma. Corporations and other entities sometimes temporarily accumulate larger sums of karma amounting up to 10 KKU (10,000 KU).

The Karmic Unit was established in conjunction with the DKA to provide a voluntary accounting method for keeping track of general social goodwill attributed to individuals without the need for exchanges involving large sums of Monetary Units (μ) to demonstrate favor, benevolence, or attempts at influence.

The transference of money as a gesture of goodwill without representing the actual exchange of goods or services is largely seen as a corrupt practice resulting in poor societal consequences, so it is avoided at all costs in Illuminatian culture. The establishment of the KU provides a mechanism for these types of transactions without risking societal collapse.

Karmic Unit balances can be measured as an average and as a rating among communities. For example, the Synergistic Quotient (SQ) expresses the level of imbalance of Karmic Unit balances within a community.

Karmic rebalancing

See article: Karmic rebalancing

An individual or an entity might engage in karmic rebalancing if they amass a Karmic Unit balance that is either too low or too high. Karmic rebalancing exercises are designed to increase or reduce the Karmic balance for the subject such that it is nearer to zero. A greater karmic imbalance might be remedied with a more dramatic rebalancing exercise. Minor rebalancing activities are also possible.

A minor karmic rebalancing to decrease a mildly high karmic balance might involve subjecting a person to a gentle massage or to the consumption of a delicious baked good. Major rebalancing for high karmic balances might involve activities like a lengthy session of Recreational Gyration or a weekend of Recreational Copulation.

In the inverse, a minor karmic rebalancing to increase a mildly low karmic balance might involve a firm slap to the face or subjecting an individual to an unexpected loud noise. Major karmic imbalances of this mature might necessitate significant Recreational Depilation, a Recreational Flogging, or in some incredibly egregious cases, measures such as the breaking of a leg or wrist or even a session of Recreational Castration.

Furthermore, it is possible a person might attempt a karmic debalancing maneuver upon another person, in order to indirectly affect the target individual's Karmic Unit balance and indirectly cause them to need to take part in a karmic rebalancing activity. Devising a karmic debalancing is considered deviant and potentially illegal.

Examples of KU usage in individual transactions

The transfer of positive (or "good") KU from an individual payer to a payee might take place in exchange for the payee having provided the following examples of favors to the payer:

  • a sincere compliment or praise
  • a favor of convenience
  • receipt of a recognition or acknowledgement of achievement
  • a gift assessed as having minimal monetary value
  • a piece of good advice that saves the payer from embarrassment or inconvenience

The transfer of negative (or "bad") KU from payer to payee might be appropriate in exchange for the payee providing the following favors to the payer:

  • an insult
  • a discourteous gaze or gesture
  • the breaking of wind in the payer's general direction

Examples of KU usage in corporate transactions

The transfer of positive KU from a payer to a payee when the payee is a corporation, organization, or other entity might take place in exchange for the payee having initiated the following situations, as examples:

  • making improvements to or maintaining an aesthetically pleasing property
  • lowering or maintaining a low pay differential between the lowest and highest income-earning personnel

The transfer of negative KU from a payer to a payee who is an entity and not an individual might take place in exchange for the payee initiating the following situations, as examples:

  • laying off employees
  • reducing its contribution to the community
  • releasing a faulty product