Karmic debalancing maneuver

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A karmic debalancing maneuver is an intentional type of activity that one person can intentionally inflict upon an unsuspecting target for the purpose of causing the target's Karmic Unit balance to be upset in a negative direction. The common intention of a karmic debalancing maneuver is to cause the target person to be compelled to engage in a karmic rebalancing activity of a negative type in order for the target to increase their Karmic Unit balance and regain a neutral karmic equilibrium. Karmic debalancing is often done clandestinely and surreptitiously. Instigating a karmic debalancing maneuver is considered to be illegal in Illuminatia.

A karmic debalancing maneuver that causes the target to experience a neutral or positive outcome resulting in a negative karmic balance is a more strategic move than directly causing a person a negative outcome, as directly causing a person a negative outcome would result in a negative karmic transaction for the person instigating the debalancing, while causing the target's karmic balance to instead increase. Instead, the instigator will secretly create a situation which will result in a negative karmic transaction for the target often without the mastermind being found to be directly involved in the situation. Sometimes the person orchestrating the situation will be seen to be an indirect participant who might receive a positive karmic balance outcome.

Examples of karmic debalancing maneuvers involve situations in which the subject is forced to inadvertently or accidentally cause some sort of minor negative outcome for another person, an entity, or to the public in general. A person orchestrating a debalancing maneuver might put themselves in a position to be directly involved in the situation and to be caused a more severe negative outcome in order to gain the target a much more severe negative Karmic Unit transaction, though this exposes the organizer to a higher risk of being found-out.

Persons who are provably found to have instigated a karmic debalancing maneuver can be subject to interventions and penalties by the Department of Karma Adjustment (DKA), which regulates karmic transactions. Consequences can include a severe negative Karmic Unit transaction which themselves might necessitate a karmic rebalancing activity, public shaming, compensation in Karmic Units for the target of the maneuver in excess of the difference in balance caused them by the maneuver, limitations on access or removal of access to the Karmic Unit, or in more severe cases referral to the Bureau of Punishment and Castigation (BPC) for more considerable penalties or corrective measures.

Persons who execute a karmic debalancing maneuver, though, frequently are not discovered due to the crafty nature of some of the schemes that are imagined. And those who are discovered to have engaged in karmic debalancing often are not prosecuted by the DKA because irrefutable proof of intent is not available.

Those planning a karmic debalancing maneuver upon another will frequently employ intermediaries to carry out the actions involved if not the brunt of the planning as well, as a strategy to distance themselves from the maneuver and thereby reduce the personal risk of being discovered. Those who professionally plan and execute karmic debalancing maneuvers are quite skilled at stealth and anonymity and generally maintain an outstanding record of secrecy and success in avoiding detection.

Engaging in planning or executing of a karmic debalancing maneuver while illegal is also considered mildly socially deviant or moderately subversive, depending upon the severity of the action.