Language in Illuminatia
The usage of verbal and written language for communication and expression of ideas, thoughts, and knowledge is simplified and streamlined in Illuminatia thanks to the universal adoption of Glossa Communi as the common language. 100% of Illuminatians can read, write, and speak Glossa Communi.
Additionally, many regions of Illuminatia experience significant adoption of the Protolucidian languages. This language group has four sub-languages which are utilized primarily as an informal home language by their speakers. The Protolucidian languages are considered minority languages and receive some protection for the purpose of cultural preservation and diversity. Approximately 18% of Illuminatians natively speak a Protolucidian language, while about 40% of Illuminatians at least functionally understand a Protolucidian language.
Adoption of Protolucidian is never exclusive of Glossa Communi. Literacy in Glossa Communi is mandatory of primary education students and Glossa Communi is the official language of business, trade, and government in Illuminatia.
All languages spoken in Illuminatia are invented languages. Glossa Communi was invented during the preparatory phase of the Lucidus mission to ensure linguistic equality for the mission's participants and the resulting Illuminatian civilization. The mission's planners understood that ensuring the entire civilization communicated using one language would reduce inefficiencies and misunderstandings which might endanger the goals of the mission and the subsequent success of the new branch of humanity.
The predecessor to the Protolucidian language evolved aboard the Lucidus mission unofficially and partially in secret as a semi-intentional process. Protolucidian eventually became mostly mainstream and openly spoken. Following the settlement of Illuminatia, the Protolucidian morphed into four distinct sub-languages. Protolucidian Major, the most widely-spoken sub-language, is used primarily in east-central Illuminatia. Western Lucidian is spoken in the southwestern portion of the continent. Quasilucidian usage is centered in southeastern Illuminatia on the Modal Peninsula. Speakers of the Demilucidian sub-language are concentrated in northeastern Illuminatia.
A network of independent scholarly institutions focusing on the research and documentation of the Glossa Communi language operates in various cities throughout the continent. Non-profit organizations such as Could Careless, Inc and Intensive Purposes, Inc study the language, communicate with the Illuminatian population regarding the language's usage, and make suggestions for how to use the language.
Meanwhile, another collection of scholarly organizations undertakes the responsibility of preserving the four Protolucidian languages. Organizations such as Case And Point, Inc and Escape Goat, Inc each focus on one of the sub-languages and endeavor to document its usage and promote cultural value.
Mainstream media outlets in Illuminatia, including newspapers and broadcasters, all communicate using Glossa Communi. A handful of minority media outlets concentrated in the regions of high Protolucidian language adoption publish and broadcast usually using the sub-language in highest usage in the local area, primarily for purposes of preservation and community building, as there is nobody of literate age who doesn't understand Glossa Communi. Since the Protolucidian languages are first learned privately in the home as a verbal language quite early in life by the youngest of children, some aural educational media exists for the enrichment of these developing juvenile learners where these languages are spoken.