Modal Peninsula
Modal Peninsula
The Modal Peninsula is, by land area, largest of the four major peninsulas forming the irregular shape of the Illuminatian continent's eastern coast. Sometimes referred to as the "fourth peninsula" due to its position counting from north to south, the Modal Peninsula is Illuminatia's second-most-populous peninsula.
The Transilluminatian Range forms the backbone of the Modal Peninsula, extending along the center of the peninsula from northwest to southwest. The peninsula is bounded on its northeast by Randall Bay and on it south by Symphonic Bay. The Modal Peninsula has an unusually regular triangle wedge shape with its tip pointing toward the southeast, a shape regularity that is uncommon among peninsulas in Illuminatia.
The Modal Peninsula is home to two separate conurbations on opposite coasts of the land mass. The cities forming the southern half of the Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex extend along the shore of Randall Bay on the northeastern coast of the Modal Peninsula. Meanwhile, the most populous cities of the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex occupy positions on the peninsula's south along the Symphonic Bay. The largest city located on the Modal Peninsula is Overture, situated midway along the Randall Bay coast of the peninsula. Other major Modal Peninsula cities include Symphony, Allegro, Melody, and Minuet.
Descendants of two different multiversal duplications of survivors from the same Lucidus ship populated the Modal Peninsula early in Illuminatian history. The first multiversal duplication of Lucidus III survivors came ashore on the Randall Bay side of the peninsula to the north, while the second multiversal duplication of Lucidus III survivors came ashore along much of the southern coast from Symphonic Bay. This proximity of different multiversal duplications of the same people resulted in some of the earliest discoveries of the multiversal nature of The Anomaly event occurring among early Illuminatian settlers. As explorers originating from the original coastal population centers traversed the southern Transilluminatian Range during early Illuminatian explorational efforts, these voyagers occasionally encountered populations of Lucidus survivors who were duplicates of persons whose existence was already documented among the voyagers' original settlements. This drew attention to the nature of the multiversal duplications of Lucidus survivors populating Illuminatia and caused these settlers to be among the first to understand the situation and help prepare civic structures and population regulation efforts to respond to this new understanding of the full potential population of humans populating the newfound continent.
The shared heritage from the Lucidus III population of settlers also explains the peninsula's unity as the primary center of native speakers of the Quasilucidian language.
The climate on the Modal Peninsula ranges from moderate with reasonable seasonal changes on the northern half of the peninsula to the northeast of the Transilluminatian Range—to warm to mild on the southern half of the peninsula where some locations can reach subtropical conditions during the warmest seasons. Portions of the central plains of the Modal Peninsula south of the Transilluminatian Range to the east of Minuet experience semi-arid conditions during a portion of the Annual Unit, experiencing occasional dust storms during the dry season.