South Coast Megalopolitan Complex
South Coast Megalopolitan Complex
The South Coast Megalopolitan Complex is a collection of major cities and metropolitan areas centered along the coast of the Symphonic Bay in south-central Illuminatia, extending upriver on the River Sinfonia to include metropolitan regions situated along the area's four major river systems.
The population of the megalopolitan complex exceeded 5 million people as of the 250 AI Census and is estimated to surpass 10 million people at the 300 AI Census, making it the second-smallest of Illuminatia's conurbations. The South Coast Megalopolitan Complex is anchored by Symphony. Other major cities contributing to the region include Allegro, Minuet, Dvořák, and Adagio.
The cities of the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex grew from settlements originally populated by members of the second multiversal duplication of Lucidus survivors from the Lucidus III ship.