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Dvořák, Illuminatia

Location of Dvořák in Illuminatia


  • 171,409 (250 AI Census)
  • 590,000 (300 AI estimate)

Rank: 52

Demonym: Dvořáki

Primary trading partners: Symphony, Cadence, Minuet, Allegro, Adagio

Dvořák is a southern city situated upon the River Sinfonia. Located inland and upriver of Symphony, Dvořák forms part of the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex.

Dvořák is home to the College of Thinking, an institution of secondary education that symbiotically contributes to the city's reputation as a magnet for rhetorical thought and dialogue.

As of the 250 AI Census, Dvořák had a population of 171,409 residents, making it Illuminatia's 52nd-largest city. Dvořák has experienced pretty decent growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population exceeding 590,000 by the 300 AI Census, an increase of more than 340% over 50 AU.

Dvořák is a secondary settlement city and is populated primarily by descendants of the Second Multiversal Duplication of the Lucidus III ship.

Dvořák was named in honor of an ancient Earthly composer of classical music.