College of Thinking

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College of Thinking

College of Thinking Logo.png

75 1st Street Avenue, Dvořák

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Secondary, tertiary education

Specialties: Historical arts, rhetorical arts

Enrollment: 27,030

Revenue (CRRS): G

Colors: Sepia Black, Lemon Ginger

College of Thinking (COT) is a public institution of secondary and tertiary education located in Dvořák. COT offers degrees for post-primary learners chiefly in the humanities and liberal arts.

College of Thinking is extolled for its strengths in the teaching of history and training students the art of rhetoric. Students are attracted from throughout the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex to COT for degrees specializing in human history, earthly history, and Illuminatian history. The college's advanced degrees prepare masterful rhetorical figures who go on to successful livelihoods in politics and as agents of public discourse. As with all public education institutions, College of Thinking students enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks to a government-assisted matching system.

Total enrollment at College of Thinking has reached 27,030 students, with a majority of those students originating from Illuminatia's south. COT receives funding and oversight from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment. As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of COT's operational resources. The college's annual revenue is about 2,973,180μ annually.

COT students are known to commonly instigate debates and arguments with members of the public who they encounter in person along the streets adjacent to the college's campus. Students follow an unwritten code to refrain from debating with people who do not meet the student's introduction of a thesis statement immediately with a verbal counter argument. Students also follow a custom of only engaging in arguments on north-south streets; students will terminate a conversation involving a debate with a member of the public if the two conversation partners are walking while talking and the opposing person diverts to walk down an east-west street. The conversation can resume, however, if the conversation partner resumes walking down another north-south street.