Conurbations of Illuminatia
Metropolitan regions, megalopolitan complexes, and other conurbations in Illuminatia are the result of an approach to urban planning that encourages compact and sustainable city development and discourages wasted urban space, low-density development, suburban sprawl, and isolated small non-self-sustaining communities.
Illuminatia is a large continent but is also a land of dense, self-contained urban development. The continent's largest cities are the focal points of a handful of regional megalopolitan complexes that grew as neighboring cities became increasingly interconnected to one another. These larger conurbations promote cohesive inter-city infrastructure development, efficient energy generation and usage, prosperous trade markets, stronger regional identities, and a more freely-flowing marketplace of ideas.
Megalopolitan complexes of Illuminatia
Illuminatia's most densely populated regions can be classified into seven megalopolitan complexes. The common identity of each of these conurbations can be traced back to the historical geography of Illuminatian settlement. The cities within any given megalopolitan complex were generally all settled by Lucidus survivors originating from the same multiversal duplication, and in many cases, the same spaceship.
megalopolitan complex | population 250 AI Census |
population 300 AI Census |
major cities |
Randall Bay | 23 million | 38 million | Adamopolis, Anthem, Overture |
Anglo-Russo-Hungarian | 11 million | 19 million | Serenade, Sonata |
Brookeview Ludwig | 11 million | 17 million | Harmony, Greensleeves, Für Elise |
West Coast | 9 million | 16 million | Rhapsody |
Southwestern | 6 million | 10 million | Requiem |
South Coast | 5 million | 10 million | Symphony, Adagio |
Wolfgang Amadeus | 2 million | 5 million | Mozart |