Latentius Megadildonics Corporation
Latentius Megadildonics Corporation
18 10th Street, Alter Ego
Industry: Manufacturing
Entity type: For-profit
Product: Copulatory assistive devices
Revenue: 180,000μ/AU
Personnel: 60 employees
Latentius Megadildonics Corporation is a consumer products manufacturing firm based in Alter Ego engaging in the development, manufacture, and distribution of personal consumer products spanning the dildonics and copulatory assistive devices sector.
Latentius products are available at specialty retailers continent-wide. Latentius Megadildonics distinguishes itself from other major manufacturers in the copulatory devices industry by specializing in products exceeding the 80th percentile in geometric dimensions, cornering the market for demanding consumers.
Latentius Megadildonics employs 60 and earns a revenue of 218,000μ/AU, making it not the largest manufacturer in the field. However Latentius earns rave reviews from a subset of consumers and coveted endorsements from popular masturbatoriums including Lecherous Corporation and Wankorama.