58 Jamaica Avenue, Sonata
Industry: Masturbatorium
Entity type: For-profit
Product: Copulatory experiences
Customers: 99,000/AU
Admission: 55mμ/DU
Revenue: 402,000μ/AU
Wankorama is a for-profit, private masturbatorium based in the city of Sonata. Wankorama is among the most popular venues copulatory experiences in the Anglo-Russo-Hungarian Megalopolitan Complex and throughout northern Illuminatia.
Wankorama specializes in a niche of medical research involving the pursuit of attempted improvements to the subjective copulatory experience through body modifications and novel copulatory assistive devices. Wankorama benefits from the high level of medical knowledge available in the Sonata region as a result of the advanced medical education and research output available through North Bay University.
Wankorama, despite operating as a for-profit entity, enjoys some level of subsidy from the Illuminatia Office of Recreational Copulation (ORC) in exchange for a quota of recreational copulatory services provided for free to the general public. Even for its non-subsidized clients, Wankorama charges daily admission of 55mμ/DU, which is notably lower than Illuminatia's most stylish masturbatoriums. This has worked well to improve Wankorama's popularity among consumers wishing to enjoy a high-value copulatory experience.