Manual Data Processing
Manual Data Processing
57 3rd Street, Von Suppé
Industry: Information and informatics
Entity type: For-profit
Product: Data processing
Revenue (CRRS): F
Manual Data Processing (MDP) is a major informatics, data processing, and data intelligence services corporation based in the city of Von Suppé. MDP is known for eschewing automated mechanical or digital data manipulation, using only human calculators and manually-operated analogue machinery to make calculations and compile data.
MDP is reflective of Illuminatian culture's determined avoidance of digital technology, using well-established technological methods that may most often involving machinery that—while electronic—almost never involves integrated circuits or fully-digital computers. Illuminatians largely agree that life is simpler with electronics in which the logical functions are performed electromechanically. Economists have determined that the heavy reliance on human labor is effective at maintaining high employment and workforce participation.
MDP serves a variety of primarily corporate entities with a suite of services that revolve around the collection of information, compiling of data into useful formats, processing of data into beneficial structures, calculation of statistics, estimation of probabilities, and warehousing of volumes of information. MDP's datasets are coveted and the company sells access to portions of its storehouse of data. MDP employs information scientists and statisticians who are made available to clients to help them make informed decisions about their markets.
MDP is known for providing auxiliary population data to the Illuminatia Office of Demography (ODD). The ODD uses the advanced datasets to make quantitative and qualitative predictions about the continent's population in furtherance of the population regulation goals of its parent agency, the Bureau of Reproduction and Copulation (BRC). MDP is utilized in this case primarily for its well-massaged data, with which the ODD performs statistical calculations and forecasts.