Multiversal Nonindigenousism

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Multiversal Nonindigenousism is a subset of the multiverse-compatible thought traditions observed in Illuminatia. Supporters of Multiversal Nonindigenousism posit that none of the multiversal duplications populating Illuminatia or the original version of the people who flew on the Lucidus mission.

Multiversal Nonindigenists are defined as people willing to give way to the possibility that they as well as all of the other people originally settling Illuminatia might all be multiversal duplications of the original and themselves may not be the original. This position was most poignant early in Illuminatian history when the original Lucidus survivors were still alive as it most directly applied to them; the distinction is more of an intellectual pursuit for their descendants as it only applies to their foreparents and not to them personally.

Multiversal Nonindigenists may or may not strictly believe in the Illuminatian population's non-originality. Many will simply suggest that postulating this as reality is reasonable, possible, and worthy of study. The hypotheses put forward by Multiversal Nonindigenousism are contrary to most popularly held beliefs that hold that one of the three primary multiversal duplications inhabiting mainland Illuminatia are in fact native to the originally-known universe which is also inhabited by their ancestral homeland, Earth, but that there is not yet a way to know which one of the three multiversal duplication sis actually the original. However, Multiversal Nonindigenousism disposes with any inequity that might be presumed between the settling populations of the Neonisi planet, as it labels none of the three as the true originals, and eliminates any special status that might be interpreted from such a standing.

Multiversal Nonindigenousism positions Illuminatians to look at themselves as interlopers in this universe, and to treat their environment with the respect that would be expected of a visitor.

Multiversal Nonindigenousism advocates for the use of caution in reestablishing contact between Illuminatia and Earth if such communication is indeed possible, as the existence of an Illuminatia occupied entirely by descendants of multiversal duplications from other parallel realities could spell peril for one or both civilizations if their realities are not consistent with one another. Nonindigenists do not necessarily obstruct efforts to contact Earth but generally simply advise caution in such efforts should they occur. To date, there has been no hint of success in contacting Earth, and it is not known whether such contact is possible or whether there is anyone remaining on Earth to contact.

Belief in Multiversal Nonindigenousism is easily congruent with many other multiverse-compatible thought traditions, including Multiversal Duplicativality, Near-Infinite Multiversal Ideational Differentiationism, and Extensive Multiversality. In fact, Multiversal Nonindigenousism, given the relatively limited