Mystic Pass
Mystic Pass
Points of interest: Hammerstein, Saint-Saëns, River Mystic, Transilluminatian Range
The Mystic Pass is the largest discontinuity in the Transilluminatian Range, providing a major route for passage across the mountain range. The Mystic Pass runs north-to-south across the widest point in the Transilluminatian Range.
The relative topographical smoothness of the hills of the Mystic Pass provide an easier route for land-based transportation across the mountain range compared to the otherwise rugged mountain range. While the path the pass takes across the mountain range is not the shortest or most efficient, the geography makes this the easiest, least resource-intensive, and most logical path for transportation across the Transilluminatian.
The Mystic Pass is located approximately midway through the Transilluminatian Range's north-to-southeast length. The River Mystic originates in the Mystic Pass, flowing southward from the portion of the pass south of the continental divide.
Wedged within the southern half of the pass on the shore of the River Mystic is the city of Hammerstein, which acts as a major waypoint for traffic transiting the pass. Hammerstein is the largest settlement within the confines of the Mystic Pass. Located some distance north of Hammerstein just outside the northern confines of the pass is the city of Saint-Saëns, a tertiary settlement city of a much larger proportion which was established largely to service transportation trough the pass as two divergent major routes from the cities of Rhapsody and Adamopolis converge into a single route through the pass.