Office of Ecosystem Conservation
The Illuminatia Office of Ecosystem Conservation (OEC) is a government office operating within the Illuminatia Bureau of Natural Resources (BNR). The OEC is tasked with ensuring the sustainable use and successful preservation of wildlife and biological habitat on Neonisi. The OEC supports the diversity and sustainability of Illuminatia's flora and fauna.
The OEC focuses on the organic portion of Illuminatia's natural resources, whether the habitat in question might of land, water, the air, or subterranean. Anything that may impact natural animal or plantlife is within the OEC's purview. This may or may not include situations also within the jurisdiction of the BNR's other offices, such as the Office of Aquatic Resources (OAR) when waterways might be affected or the Office of Landscape and Terrain (OLT) when human activities might affect the shape and basic qualities of a landscape. The OEC is concerned with preserving the ecosystem both for the benefit of human health and also out of a collective respect for the inherent value of the natural environment and the non-human beings who inhabit it.
The Office of Ecosystem Conservation carries out proactive monitoring of animal and plant species in Illuminatia with non-invasive sampling and observation by trained wildlife ecologists and naturalists. Any planned human activity that may impact flora and fauna is required to go through a permitting process that ensures proper planning and accounting for ecosystem impacts and proposed remediation, as needed. The OEC approves plans and projects and carries out observation to ensure compliance.
The OEC investigates and identifies violations of the natural sanctity of Illuminatian native habitat and ecosystem integrity. The Bureau of Natural Resources has the authority to intervene in any activity causing impact on wildlife and habitat and may take all actions necessary to cease any damaging or threatening activity. The BNR, with advisement from the OEC, can issue condemnations and punitive measures in retaliation for violations and may hold those interfering with ecosystem and habitat integrity accountable for liability for restoration, remedies, and costs to the public for any such environmental impacts.