River Roerig
River Roerig
Points of interest: Lark Ascending, The Planets, Lucidian Range, Anglo-Hungarian Bay
The River Roerig is a body of water flowing from southeast to northwest through the scenic woody terrain of northern Illuminatia. The River Roerig originates in the eastern foothills of the northern Lucidian Range and empties into the Anglo-Hungarian Bay north of the city of Lark Ascending.
The River Roerig is known for its dramatic, meandering left-right turns as it negotiates the undulating topography to the east of the eastern half of the Anglo-Russo-Hungarian Megalopolitan Complex. The river experiences significant elevation changes over short lengths as it descends from the heights of the Lucidian Range.
Significant population centers along the length of the River Roerig include the cities of Lark Ascending, The Planets, Pomp and Circumstance, Pianissimo, and Britten. These populations in the region surrounding the river are primarily descendants of the third multiversal duplication of the Lucidus I ship.