Supernatural occurrences in Illuminatia

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Supernatural occurrences are prohibited in Illuminatia. The laws of physics and the bounds of commonly-understood reality, which on the planet Neonisi remain consistent with those observed on historical rational Earth and aboard the Lucidus mission, do not allow for paranormal or mystic incidences.

No supernatural occurrences have been known to transpire in Illuminatia or on the Neonisi planet. While it could be posited that the Lucidus termination event was aesthetically and functionally supernatural at the time it happened, subsequent theorizing has developed a concept for a science-based explanation for this event.

Illuminatian thought traditions are non-deist, non-dogmatic, and have no creedal requirement, and therefore thought traditions do not account for supernatural occurrences and produce no writings proposing such imagined occasions. This is contrary to Earthly religions, which almost entirely rely upon supernatural occurrences, spirits, and divinities as features of their systems of belief. Illuminatian thought traditions do speculate upon the nature of the multiverse and the reality behind what happened during The Anomaly

Illuminatian culture does not lend itself to the belief in supernatural occurrences, as the Illuminatian populace is heavily predisposed to defer to science and evidence-based knowledge when it comes to belief, understanding, and other windows through which one views the world. Additionally, the education system in Illuminatia is universally-available, mandatory, well-regulated, and fully-funded, eliminating any potential lapses in access to education that might occur in less-enlightened civilizations. Culturally, superstition is generally delegated to literature and the arts.