The Vostonian

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The Vostonian

The Vostonian Logo.png

11 West 2nd Avenue, Voston

Industry: Publishing

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Daily newspaper, local

Specialties: Journalism, local mainstream news


  • Local edition (AQS-D): F
  • Regional edition (AQS-D): F
  • Continental edition (AQS-D): G
  • Total circulation (AQS-D): G
  • Total readership (AQS-TS): G

Revenue (CRRS): G

Revenue: 2,449,000μ/AU

Newsstand Price: 30mμ/31mμ

Motto: "Of the city."

The Vostonian is a major daily for-profit newspaper published in the city of Voston. The Vostonian distinguishes itself in its market by focusing on coverage of local events and civic issues, which differentiates The Voston from its chief competitor, Vos Valley News, which primarily covers Illuminatian governmental affairs with a continent-wide audience in mind.

Despite the newspaper's local focus, The Vostonian nonetheless enjoys a continent-wide circulation among a relatively small subset of readers. These readers find themselves interested in local affairs in Voston most commonly because they are politicians or governmental employees who frequently travel to Voston as a requirement of their vocation, but live elsewhere.

The Vostonian has a local circulation of 142,000 which is much surpassed by its regional circulation of 247,000 in the greater Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex and its continental circulation of 487,000. The newspaper's total circulation of 876,000 yields a readership figure of 2,768,000. The Vostonian posts a revenue of 2,449,000μ/AU almost equally through subscription or newsstand fees and advertising. The Vostonian carries a local newsstand price of 30mμ.