Audience Quantification Stratum

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Audience Quantification Stratum Illustration.png

The Audience Quantification Stratum (AQS) is rating used to categorize the total audience of an entity engaged in the dissemination of mass media in Illuminatia. The AQS can measure the audience of print periodicals such as newspapers or magazines, and can also measure the broadcast audience of a wireless or telekinephotocast station. By extension, the AQS can measure the total reach of a syndicated print column or the total audience of a broadcast network such as TI, VB, or GWB.

The AQS is an approximate equivalent to the Nielsen TV ratings of modern-ancient Earthly feudal American media or the Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB) of modern-ancient British media.

The AQS uses electronic means to sample audiences for both print periodicals and broadcast electronic media using the same devices over which the Polling and Balloting Network (PBN) operates. Since the PBN penetrates the population to every person who has reached the age of majority and is therefore eligible to vote, the AQS is able to achieve a highly granular image of media audiences and accurately measure even the smallest of audiences. Participation in the AQS is entirely voluntary, however monetary incentives exist for consistent and frequent participation, so a high participation rate is achieved.

The AQS is divided into two sub-measurements—the Audience Quantification Stratum-Distribution (AQS-D) and the Audience Quantification Stratum-Total Reach (AQS-TR). The AQS-D measures only the number of pieces of print matter distributed or the total number of wireless receivers or telekinephotron sets tuned to a broadcast. In contrast, the AQS-TR goes further to attempt an accurate accounting of the total persons reading a periodical or listening to or watching a broadcast. The AQS-D is a lower-cost piece of data to acquire, as it can be learned from the distributor of the print periodical or from any one of potentially several audience members consuming a broadcast in one location. The AQS-TS requires statistically-accurate sampling of each individual reader, listener, or viewer, necessitating the collection of many more data points.

The AQS was originally created by the Department of Public Service Media Investment (DPSMI) on behalf of local periodicals distribution systems continent-wide. The DPSMI found value in being able to add-up the total circulation of newspapers being distributed by local periodicals distribution systems, as these numbers were necessary for calculating funding for each local distribution system. Newspapers contributed to the success of the AQS, as newspapers themselves found utility in knowing the total count of potential readers for purposes budgeting for printing and production costs as well as for the purpose of selling advertising. The AQS became a commercially-available product and access to certain commercially-actionable details and analysis was commodified by the DPSMI as a method for raising funding for improved audience sampling.

Early in the history of ULW broadcasting, the AQS was easy reengineered to provide for the measurement of broadcast audiences. The AQS has remained a public service of the Illuminatian government, ensuring equitable access to the data for all mass media operators and maintaining openness to public scrutiny.

Audience Quantification Stratum rating strata

A 0 310 A 0 1,100
B 300 1,100 B 1,000 3,300
C 1,000 11,000 C 3,000 31,000
D 10,000 61,000 D 30,000 210,000
E 60,000 110,000 E 210,000 310,000
F 100,000 310,000 F 300,000 1,010,000
G 300,000 1,010,000 G 1,000,000 3,030,000
H 1,000,000 3,030,000 H 3,000,000 10,100,000
J 3,000,000 10,100,000 J 10,000,000 30,300,000
K 10,000,000 20,100,000 K 30,000,000 60,300,000
M 20,000,000 50,500,000 M 60,000,000 150,100,000
N 50,000,000 100,000,000 N 150,000,000 300,000,000
P 100,000,000 P 300,000,000 total population
of Illuminatia