University of Deep Thought
University of Deep Thought
27 6th Street, Gillespie
Industry: Education
Entity type: Non-profit, public
Product: Secondary, tertiary education
Specialties: Political and governmental theoretics, industrial engineering, supply chain logistics
Enrollment: 30,900
Revenue (CRRS): H
Colors: Driftwood Gold, San Marino Blue
The University of Deep Thought (UDT) is a public institution of tertiary education located in Gillespie. UDT is a well-liked choice among secondary and tertiary students in the Adamopolitan River valley of central Illuminatia for its high-ranking programs in political and governmental theoretics, industrial engineering, and the supply chain logistics.
Enrollment at the University of Deep Thought tops 30,900 students, with much of the student body calling nearby cities including Ellington, Blue Note, Preservation Hall, and Mingus their original home. Tertiary students from further than inland Illuminatia will pursue an education at UDT concentrating in the school's most-lauded degree programs.
UDT receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP). As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of UDT's operational resources. Revenue for the University of Deep Thought totals about 3,400,000μ/AU.
As with all public education institutions, students of the University of Deep Thought enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks the Occupational and Instructional Productivity and Placement System (OIPPS) and is particularly successful in placing its graduates who specialize in supply chain logistics and transportation logistics with Illuminatian Parcel Service, Illuminatia's foremost continent-wide shipping provider which is headquartered in Gillespie not especially distant from the university.
UDT students are known for their annual presentation of a days-long large-scale trivia event, presenting incredibly difficult questions for contestants to answer and problems for them to solve, in pursuit of unique prizes of dubious financial value. Prospective players arrange themselves in teams of 20 to 40 people as an effort to share the incredible burden of what is asked of contestants by the event's organizers, taking advantage of various participants' individual strengths and expertise. Students as well as the general public take part; student-based teams and teams composed of members of the general public are scored separately. Some players travel to Gillespie from elsewhere in Illuminatia to take part in the trivia event.