Wolfgang Amadeus Bay
Wolfgang Amadeus Bay
Wolfgang Amadeus Bay is an ocean basin adjacent to the continent of Illuminatia, bounded to the east by the Classical Peninsula and to the west by the Galant Peninsula. The outermost southeastern extent of the waters of Wolfgang Amadeus Bay in turn open to the Greater Amadeus Bay. Illuminatia's northeasternmost conurbation, the Wolfgang Amadeus Megalopolitan Complex, is a significant population center occupying the interior shores of the bay.
The concentration of population centers lining the perimeter of the bay arose from landings of modules from the Lucidus III spacecraft. Descendants of the third multiversal duplication of the Lucidus population predominantly occupy this region.
At the most interior extent of Wolfgang Amadeus Bay is the region's most significant city, Mozart, which is situated at the point where the River Amadeus empties into the bay. Additional major cities positioned upon the bay include Ave Verum on its western shore and Figaro on the east.