Ave Verum
Ave Verum, Illuminatia
- 384,107 (250 AI Census)
- 800,000 (300 AI estimate)
Rank: 31
Demonym: Verumites
Primary trading partners: Mozart, Brahms, Nachtmusik, Mussorgsky, Für Elise
Ave Verum is a coastal city situated on the western coast of Wolfgang Amadeus Bay. The Ave Verum is a member city of northeastern Illuminatia's Wolfgang Amadeus Megalopolitan Complex. On clear days, lucky residents can see the distant mountains forming a westerly appendage of the middle Lucidian Range.
Ave Verum benefits economically from its proximity to Mozart. Dominant economic forces in Ave Verum include education, knowledge-accumulation, publishing, and research. This city has a continental reputation of being a place that champions the pursuit of truth and the sharing of information. Ave Verum is home to Mute Point, Inc, a linguistic preservation organization which helps sustain the Demilucidian language. The University of Unnecessary Knowledge is based here. The city's dominant local newspaper is the Ave Verum Press.
As of the 250 AI Census, Ave Verum had a population of 384,107 residents, making it Illuminatia's 31st-largest city. Ave Verum has experienced significant growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population over 800,000 by the 300 AI Census, an increase of over 210% over 50 AU.
Ave Verum is a primary settlement city, having taken settlement from members of the Third Multiversal Duplication of the Lucidus III ship—settlers close in relationship to those who founded Ave Verum's civic counterpart, Mozart, further northward into the bay.
Ave Verum was named in was named in recognition of a musical work by an ancient Earthly composer of classical music.