Adamant Broadcasting Network

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Adamant Broadcasting Network

ABN Logo.png

34 Linguine Avenue, Rhapsody

Industry: Broadcasting

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Wireless and telekinephotocasting network, production of wireless and telekinephotocast programming

Revenue (CRRS): E

Assets (CARS): E5

Adamant Broadcasting Network (ABN) is a major continent-wide wireless and telekinephotocast broadcasting network based in downtown Rhapsody. ABN's wireless and telekinephotocast networks draw the third-largest audience among commercial broadcasters in Illuminatia.

ABN engages in both the operation of broadcast networks as well as the production of programming. ABN's largest production output takes place at its headquarters in Rhapsody, however ABN also operates major wireless and telekinephotocast studios in Rhapsody.

ABN was the second of Illuminatia's large broadcast networks to begin operation in the early days of wireless broadcasting. ABN was founded in western Illuminatia on conjunction with the broadcast operations and production capacities of GWB, based in Overture in eastern Illuminatia. The two production outfits together built and shared a landline trans-continental transmission network. As ULW broadcasting evolved, ABN and GWB separated. ABN's regional dominance in western Illuminatia continued while GWB maintained its strongest presence in eastern Illuminatia and this status quo consisted well into the development of ULW broadcasting until the networks finally decided to directly compete as they completed their separate continent-wide networks.

In a diversifying broadcast media landscape, ABN secured its image as a family-friendly media outlet while GWB accelerated its reputation as an edgier option. ABN's overall audience and revenue stability has cemented the network's third-place position in revenue and audience size among for-profit networks.

Adamant Broadcasting was named in recognition of Captain Adamant, a historical figure prominently situated in Illuminatian lore as the first captain of the Lucidus mission. Captain Adamant, while providing the name for Illuminatia's largest city, Adamopolis, is a prominent figure in the lore of the city of Rhapsody, where ABN is based, as both Adamopolis and Rhapsody share a common lineage with populations descended predominantly from the Lucidus I ship.