Adventurers Group Insurance

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Adventurers Group Insurance

Adventurers Insurance Logo.png

37 4th Street, Mascagni

Industry: Finance

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Insurance and indemnity

Specialties: Consumer property and liability insurance

Revenue (CRRS): M

Assets (CARS): K11

Adventurers Group Insurance is the most prominent issuer of insurance policies to private and corporate customers in western Illuminatia. Based in the city of Mascagni, Adventurers Group Insurance is a purveyor of personal and commercial insurance for individuals, corporations, non-profits, and other entities.

While the company maintains business across the Illuminatian continent, the highest concentration of customers choosing Adventurers Group for their insurance needs are domiciled in northwestern and midwestern Illuminatia, including the West Coast Megalopolitan Complex. Adventurers has a significant presence also in the Southwestern Megalopolitan Complex to the south and the Baroque Isle to the north.

Adventurers Group Insurance is most popular among the recreating public, offering personal policies involving liability and comprehensive payouts for persons as they take part in recreational pursuits both near and far from home. Modest leisure-seeking individuals as well as the most outgoing of travelers will take out policies covering activities from unicycling and bicycling to hiking and exploring as well as competitive and extreme thrill-seeking activities including competitive corporal defenestration and recreational dismemberment.

In addition to its headquarters in Mascagni, Adventurers Group also maintains a highly visible presence at offices in Rhapsody, Voyage a Deux, Requiem, and Nocturne. Adventurers's Nocturne office services adventurers setting out to hike the alpine environs of the Baroque Isle, especially those employing the services of travel agency Acrophiliac Destinations, a market leader in destination tours in Illuminatia's most northwesterly reaches.