Continental Convention
The Continental Convention was a pre-governmental deliberative body tasked with establishing place names for cities and geographic features across the Illuminatian continent. The Continental Convention was created as an act of the First Terrestrial Civil Conference, which also gave the Continental Convention responsibility over the process by which place names would be identified and agreed upon.
The First Terrestrial Civil Conference gave the Continental Convention full authority over the naming of places after the Conference established that various lacks of uniformity and levels of duplication existed in the recognition and naming of geographic features and settlements in early Illuminatia.
The Continental Convention, as a result, formed a process for taking suggestions for place names with public input and considering these names over the course of a multi-AU process. Meetings of the body were held in locations across Illuminatia beginning in AI 10. The Continental Convention took it within its authority to assign names to settlements, rivers, streams, mountain ranges, hills, valleys, ocean bays, islands, peninsulas, and many other land and water features.
The Continental Convention also set forward a system of names which would be considered for future towns and cities depending upon their location, as well as suggestions for place names for geographic features not yet identified or recognized. This was important, as at the time of the Convention being called, the only settlements in existence were the original settlements at locations where the Lucidus survivors had landed upon the Neonisi planet, and it was understood and anticipated that many more cities would be established by expeditionary forces in the near future.
The issues of duplicate naming were primarily caused by the multiversal nature of the populations of Lucidus survivors settling the far-flung portions of the Illuminatian continent and exacerbated by the large distances between some groups of settlements. There was some delay between the initial settling of Illuminatia by at least three different multiversal duplications of Lucidus survivors and the subsequent discovery of the various settlement regions of Illuminatian settlers. This time span provided ample opportunity for settlements and other geographical features to be named by local inhabitants. Unfortunately, as the various multiversal duplications of settlers from the same Lucidus spacecraft discovered one another, they also found they had taken similar philosophies to naming their settlements and surroundings. When local settlement authorities called to order the First Terrestrial Civil Conference, it was agreed that these naming irregularities would need to be remedied.
Per Lucidus mission guidelines, Illuminatian authorities wanted to avoid the naming of distant population centers and land features with same or similar names in order to avoid logistical confusion and conflicts of local cultural identity. It was understood that names forming relation to one another would be best-suited to being assigned to population centers and geographic features with some level of geographic proximity.
The Convention also carefully considered the extent to which place names would honor various historical figures of the distant Earthly past of the settlers' foreparents. It was agreed that names would be acceptable if they represented people who contributed significantly to the culture that Illuminatians valued, and that the names would be prioritized if they represented amalgamated historical figures rather than individual personal historical figures.
As a result of the Continental Convention, cities, land features, water features, and regions largely bear the names of musical terminology, musical composers and artists, and works of music, as well as well-regarded journalists and media figures of Earth's modern-ancient eras. Many of the largest settlements as well as the most prominent land features were named after amalgamated historical figures representing Lucidus mission leaders and organizers.