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Hypervibrato is an Illuminatian music genre characterized by the employment of vibrato in extraordinary proportions and to excessive extents throughout a musical performance. Hypervibrato pieces will almost entirely lack notes performed without vibrato.

Musical performances in the hypervibrato genre will modulate the intensity, frequency, and range of the vibrato through the composition, with limited short passages of subtle vibrato providing a brief respite in between longer passages in which the vibrato might span at least an octave above and below the fundamental pitch.

Hypervibrato vocalists are known for their extreme endurance. The vocalist must employ breath control and muscular support through the entire respiratory system in order to create a standing vibrato that can be sustained almost indefinitely. Some of Illuminatia's most revered music schools train hypervibrato vocalists to incrementally extend the width of the pitch of their vibrato so that they might be able to perform much of the hypervibrato repertoire.

Hypervibrato is closely related to the ultraglissando genre. A subset of instrumentalists and vocalists maintain a double specialty in both traditions of musical performance. A combined ultraglissando/vibrato format is common among wireless stations that broadcast one or the other genre of music as part of an exclusive music format.

Hypervibrato audiences are smaller than most popular music genres, as it can take a refined ear to pick out the fundamental pitches of the notes as they are performed, especially in harmony in larger ensembles.

Hypervibrato was first recognized as a distinct genre of music in Illuminatia around AI 80. Live performance of hypervibrato music in certain concert venues became somewhat frequent around that time, as the nucleus of the genre developed in specialty music communities in the Symphonic Bay region, putting cities like Adagio, Allegro, and Crescendo squarely on the cultural map in Illuminatia.