Office of Landscape and Terrain

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The Illuminatia Office of Landscape and Terrain (OLT) is a government office operating within the Illuminatia Bureau of Natural Resources (BNR). The OLT is charged with preserving the overall character and integrity of natural terrain as it encounters change due to human activity and the potentially disruptive effects of unnatural intervention upon landscapes.

Unlike other offices within the BNR whose domains of control are focused upon specific types of natural resources, the Office of Landscape and Terrain is instead directed to focus on the complete quality of a landscape and makes appraisals of the level of impact human activity may have on the overall integrity, pureness, and completeness of a landscape. While an office such as the Office of Ecosystem Conservation (OEC) might focus on human impacts on natural flora or the Office of Aquatic Resources (OAR) will limit its control to water quality, the OLT can look at the big picture and analyze how the presence of an existing mix of trees and shrubs might alter the look and feel of a mountainside or how a human project might change the flow of a river or the role of a pond in the natural environment. The OLT can investigate and intervene even if a given human action might not necessarily affect a given species of fauna living on the land or add pollutants to a watershed.

The Office of Landscape Terrain maintains experts in both organic and inorganic matters. The OLT also uses landscape architects to examine the role of various elements of a larger landscape. Environmental engineers employed by the OLT will study how a given parcel of land fits into the larger natural terrain of a region and how human activity at various levels might change the region's innate character.

Illuminatians popularly credit the OLT with preserving the beauty and attractiveness of Illuminatia's landscape. Sociologists and psychologists recognize the role the OLT's preservation work plays in augmenting society's comfort and maintaining the emotional and mental health of the population.