Public nudity in Illuminatia
Public nudity is enthusiastically tolerated and enjoyed at least occasionally by a significant portion of the population across Illuminatia. No legal restrictions exist in relation to public nudity or the clothing or lack thereof donned by individuals in public spaces, and so public nudity is not criminalized. Legal protections exist to help preserve the freedom of individuals to wear or not wear clothing in private spaces in which conduct is regulated by a proprietor or other private owner, within the bounds of health and safety principles. No social qualms exist in regard to the visibility of any portion of the human body in public.
While the freedom to wear no clothing in public spaces indoors and outdoors is universally available on a theoretical level, persons tend to limit public nudity for practical reasons. Intervening variables discouraging public nudity might include physical comfort, outdoor weather conditions and climate, physical safety due to natural or man-made surroundings against which clothing is intended to protect, or fears of entanglement of extremities with the environs.
Unlike many ancient-modern Earthly cultures, nudity in Illuminatia is in no way associated with recreational reproductive behavior. While such association would never become reason for labeling as taboo or deviance, this lack of direct logical connection frees the personal expression and non-expression using textiles or lack thereof to a breadth lacking bounds without the liability of becoming allied with matters regulated by the Bureau of Reproduction and Copulation (BRC).
The popularity of public nudity tends to be lower in colder climates and in natural settings in which the flora or fauna might pose comfort or safety risks for those lacking clothing that might act as a protective barrier against, for example, flora of a thorny nature or fauna with biting tendencies. Popularity is higher in moderate climates with reasonably sunny conditions and in warm to hot climates with large amounts of precipitation. Regions with the highest regular adoption of public nudity include the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex, the Southwestern Megalopolitan Complex, and the West Coast Megalopolitan Complex. Periodic public nudity is most common in coastal areas of northern and northwestern Illuminatia.
Public nudity parks are common in regions with higher adoption rates of regular public nudity. These parks are built in urban areas and feature plant life that is non-threatening to unclothed persons and furnishings that increase comfort for those who are lacking fabric. It is understood generally among Illuminatians that while exhibitionism might take place in locations where public nudity is customary, nudity in public and exhibitionism do not necessarily come hand-in-hand and the presence of or one's partaking in public nudity does not necessarily mean exhibitionism is also taking place.