Remedial University of Maestoso

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Remedial University of Maestoso

Remedial University of Maestoso Logo.png

40 4th Street, Maestoso

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Secondary, tertiary education

Specialties: Social psychology, cinematographic arts, actuarial sciences

Enrollment: 20,600

Revenue (CRRS): G

Colors: Pirate Gold, White

Remedial University of Maestoso (RUM) is a public institution of tertiary education located in the southern city of Maestoso. RUM offers secondary and tertiary degrees for post-primary learners, providing specialty in the areas of the social sciences, financial arts, and creative arts.

Total enrollment at Remedial University of Maestoso surpasses 20,600 students, with a many of those students originating locally from Maestoso, as well as from the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex and the nearby Concerto Island. RUM is known throughout southern Illuminatia for its academic focuses particularly in social psychology, cinematographic arts, and the actuarial sciences.

RUM students, as is the case with students attending all public education institutions, enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks the Office of Assessment and Placement (OAP)'s government-assisted career matching system. RUM receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP). As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of RUM's operational resources. The university's annual revenue stands at about 2,268,000μ annually.

RUM students are known for their tradition of tending to a long-established sugar cane field within the central campus lawn and distilling the harvested product.