River Amadeus
River Amadeus
Points of interest: Mozart, Mahler, Wolfgang Amadeus Bay, Neoclassical Range
The River Amadeus is a body of water flowing from north to south through northeastern Illuminatia, with a source in the north-central portion of the Neoclassical Range and a southerly terminus in Wolfgang Amadeus Bay at the city of Mozart.
In addition to Mozart, the largest city located upon the River Amadeus, other major population centers along the river's length include Mahler, Borodin, and Accelerando. The River Amadeus is utilized for transportation, electrical generation, drinking water, recreation, and an intricate system of public fountains in Mahler, among other uses.
The regions adjacent to the length of the River Amadeus are populated by descendants of the third multiversal duplication of the Lucidus III ship. The River Amadeus flows through a region with significant adoption of the Demilucidian language. The river was instrumental in aiding exploration of northeastern Illuminatia early in the continent's human history.