Symphony Herald
The Symphony Herald
40 East Orchestra Avenue, Symphony
Industry: Publishing
Entity type: For-profit
Product: Periodicals, daily local newspaper
Specialties: Journalism, local news, mainstream local affairs, printing
- Local edition (AQS-D): G
- Regional edition (AQS-D): G
- Total circulation (AQS-D): H
- Total readership (AQS-TS): H
Revenue (CRRS): H
Newsstand Price: 30mμ
The Symphony Herald is a regionally dominant local newspaper published in the city of Symphony, reaching readers throughout the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex. The Herald's most significant competitor is the Symphony Happenings.
Publishing a local edition with a circulation of 834,600 and a regional edition distributed to the megalopolitan complex with a circulation of 591,500, the Herald claims a total circulation of 1,426,000. Reaching a grand total of 5,112,800 readers daily, the Herald ranks first among newspapers in the Symphony market.
The Herald enjoys the readership of well over half the population of Symphony, an accomplishment made possible by a noticeable slump in the popularity of the Adamopolis Times throughout the southern regions of Illuminatia and the void in market share that this provides on a continent where the Times otherwise provides formidable competition among regional audiences.
The Herald serves the region with reasonably reputable journalism of a local and regional scale. The newspaper is generally considered to be the publication of record for Symphony and the surrounding conurbation. The Herald was a founding member and organizer of the Symphony-area periodicals distribution system and continues to maintain full Periodicals Circulation License-paying membership in the distribution system.
The Herald earns a revenue of 3,453,900μ/AU and has a newsstand price of 30mμ.