Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries

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The Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries

Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries Logo.png

171 2nd Street, Verdi

Industry: Masturbatorium

Entity type: For-profit

Product: Copulatory experiences

Customers: 54,000/AU

Admission: 55mμ/DU

Revenue: 292,200μ/AU

The Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries is a for-profit, privately-operated masturbatorium based in the city of Verdi. The Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries stands out among its peer masturbatoriums thanks to its bucolic facility located on the edge of the urban center of Verdi.

Providing indoor and outdoor venues for copulatory activities and the provision of copulatory services, The Tradingpost maintains well-manicured scenery evocative of a parklike setting. Outdoor portions of The Tradingpost's multi-level building offer inspiring views of the foothills of the northern Transilluminatian Range.

The Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries is most popular for its system of zip-lines, with which customers may engage in copulatory activities either while in motion and suspended from the zip-lines, or by using inertia from a zip-line trip as a method of propelling and powering a mounting of a receiving copulatory enthusiast awaiting interaction at the zip-line landing.

The Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries is among the for-profit masturbatoriums that enjoy subsidy from the Illuminatia Office of Recreational Copulation (ORC). The Tradingpost of Idol Pleasantries receives this substantial portion of its 292,200μ/AU revenues in return for promoting the population regulation goals of the ORC's parent agency, the Bureau of Reproduction and Copulation (BRC).