Velvet Underground
Velvet Underground, Illuminatia
- 167,334 (250 AI Census)
- 580,000 (300 AI estimate)
Rank: 53
Demonym: Velveteen
Primary trading partners: Clapton, Requiem, Leichte Kavallerie, Béla Fleck, Symphony
Velvet Underground is a southern inland city, located upriver from Clapton. Business and industry in Velvet Underground maintain strong links with the city's smaller downriver counterpart, Femme Fatale.
Among the economic and cultural drivers of Velvet Underground is the University of the Continuum, which is situated near the central axis of the city. UOTC provides a reliable workforce adept in the industrial and manufacturing arts as well as an academic and research base proficient in the environmental arts and sciences. Radio Corporation of Illuminatia (RCI) is based in Velvet Underground. The Velvet Underground Discourse is the dominant daily newspaper published in the city. Velvet Underground is the chosen career home of renowned polyphonic acoustic instrumental symphonic composer Ludwig Handelovsky.
As of the 250 AI Census, Velvet Underground had a population of 167,334 residents, making it Illuminatia's 53rd-largest city. Velvet Underground has experienced some growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population of over 580,000 by the 300 AI Census, an increase of more than 340% over 50 AU.
Velvet Underground is a secondary settlement city and is populated primarily by descendants of the Second Multiversal Duplication of the Lucidus II ship.
The civic authority in Velvet Underground operates a city-wide mass transit system called the Velvet Overground. The transit system operates trains that travel above the ground level because digging subways would have been impractical under the local soil conditions and high water table.
Velvet Underground was named in honor of an Earthly musical ensemble of the modern-ancient period.